The 20 for 20 Challenge

Some cancers are well less known, but that doesn’t mean they are any less important.

After the success of last year’s 20 for 20 campaign, AMMF has joined forces again with the collective to continue what we started.

The Covid-19 pandemic led to a fall in the number of people diagnosed with all kinds of cancer. Fewer people came forward with symptoms and there were, and still are, delays or changes to treatment. People also faced the extra hurdle of accessing the necessary support.

This is were the 20 for 20 charities collective step in. Our aim is to get help to those who need it whilst helping reverse the devastating effect that Covid-19 has had on the public.

With the 20 for 20 challenge you can help and be the difference.

Simply, choose the challenge you would like to do for 20 days, print off the challenge tracker calendar and complete it in your own time between 20 September – 20 December. The challenge choice is yours – run, swim, walk, bake, cycle or even something a little more creative!

Don’t worry if you can’t complete your challenge in 20 consecutive days, you can do one every other day, 2 a week or even just when you can! It’s your challenge, your way!

To join in, follow these 4 easy steps!


Go to the 20 for 20 website, select AMMF or all 20 charities via the collective and click on ‘create a fundraising page’ to set up a JustGiving page

Step 2

Choose any activity that you’d like to challenge yourself to do for 20 days and keep a log of it on your challenge tracker calendar. Last year we had runners, bakers, golfers, cyclists and hikers but we also had a 20-course dinner, 20 postcards written and even someone learning ‘hello’ in a new language every day for 20 days! The list is endless.

Step 3

Your 20 days can be anytime between 20 September and the 20 December.

Step 4

Share your fundraising page and challenges with your friends and family, and nominate them to join in too! Don’t forget to use the hashtags #20for20 and #AMMF when posting your photos on social media, to really help spread awareness and let everyone know what amazing things you are doing for your 20 for 20 challenge!

In just 20 days, you could  help raise funds to enable AMMF to continue to raise awareness, provide information to those who need it and support the all important cholangiocarcinoma research.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, we’re here to help! Contact the fundraising team at [email protected].

For more information on this year’s 20 for 20 challenge, head to the 20 for 20 website.

September 2021