AMMF European Cholangiocarcinoma Website

AMMF, the UK’s only cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) charity, is committed to supporting not only those in the UK, but also European patients and carers living with CCA, through greater access to the information, resources and support they deserve.

AMMF’s CCA website, which helps to raise awareness and provides guidance and information on CCA in English, is now also available in 8 additional European languages:

  • Danish
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

The European CCA website supports patients and their carers/loved ones seeking information on all aspects of CCA across Europe, as well as helping healthcare practitioners, including clinical nurse specialists, to navigate information available for their patients with CCA.

Visit the AMMF European CCA Website here: 

AMMF thanks the following for their generous support for the European Cholangiocarcinoma Website

July 2023