AMMF CEO interviewed by Pan European Networks journal …

AMMF CEO Helen Morement was recently interviewed by the Pan European Networks journal and, in a 3-page article, discusses some of the known and suspected causes of cholangiocarcinoma, why diagnosis remains so difficult, current and future treatment options, as well as the wider work of the charity throughout the UK and beyond.

With the article published just ahead of the second World Cholangiocarcinoma Day on 15 February, 2017, this has provided an excellent awareness-raising opportunity across Europe, and the world.


To read the full article on Pages 190 -192 of the journal, click here 






Directly following on from this article, on page 193, the work of scientists at Aintree, Liverpool, is discussed, including their AMMF supported hENT1 prognostic/biomarker research.


To read the Aintree report in full, click here






Excellent to see this interest in cholangiocarcinoma – four pages of awareness-raising in one journal, reaching out across Europe and the world …

AMMF is working hard to ensure cholangiocarcinoma is well and truly on the radar!


January 2017