CC Awareness Month 2016 Guest Posts

Thank you to each courageous person who contributed a Guest Post for AMMF’s Facebook page during Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month, February 2016.

We know that each of these posts is a personal story, with every word written from the heart – which is exactly what makes them so very special.

This year, the number of likes, shares and supportive comments each Guest Post received was beyond anything we have seen before – and the number of newsfeeds around the world that they reached was astounding.  This has to be a true testament to the power of the written word and of the personal story when it comes to raising awareness.

Although all the posts will remain on Facebook, they have been collated into a brochure and are now available here as a downloadable pdf.  There is a contents page with each name live linked to their post, and all photographs (some very blurry, but all very precious) have been included as have live links to external pages.  Comments to the individual posts are not included but, of course, remain on Facebook.


To read AMMF’s 2016 Facebook Guest Posts, click here


A small quanity of brochures have been printed and are available on request. Email:  [email protected]








March 2016