AMMF & Cancer52
AMMF’s Helen Morement is appointed to the board of Cancer52
For several years, AMMF has been an active member of Cancer52* – the umbrella organization providing “the common voice for less common cancers”, working together to address the inequalities that exist in policy, services and research, and to improve outcomes for patients with these highly challenging diseases.
Through Cancer52, AMMF has a presence and a voice within every national cancer initiative, which is increasingly important, not least because of the rapidly changing face of the NHS and the proximity of the next election.
AMMF is therefore delighted that Helen Morement has now been appointed to Cancer52’s board of directors.
Helen commented:”AMMF has always valued its membership of Cancer52. With over 70 individual small charity or organization members, Cancer52 provides unparalleled access to the ‘movers and shakers’ amongst today’s policy makers, service providers and researchers. There is strength in the number of its members, and in their diversity – all united by their wish to improve outcomes for patients with less common cancers.
Being a member of Cancer52’s board will enable me to work closer with this pioneering organisation in identifying priority challenges and opportunities, and in ensuring that the rarer cancers community is included in key current policy issues affecting those with cancer.”
*Why the name Cancer52? Because at least 52% of cancer deaths in the UK are from the less common cancers (i.e. excluding the ‘big four’: bowel, breast, lung and prostate).
February 2014