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Stuart McMonies - Age: 49

My long term partner, Stuart McMonies, age of death 49.

Stuart (Stu) came home from work on Friday, January 21st, 2022 with indigestion. On Sunday (23rd) he still had indigestion so went to A and E, found he had a slight enlargement of the heart walls through an ECG, told to take omeprazole and see his doctor in a week.

The following Friday he did just that, and the GP wrote a letter and told him he needed to go straight to hospital due to him being jaundiced in his eyes. They believed at first he had a stone stuck in his bile duct. However, the following Thursday he was diagnosed with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. He was transferred to Queens Medical Centre almost immediately where he had two drains fitted.

Stuart had the major cancer removal surgery on March 10th, they removed two thirds of his liver, removed the cancer from his bile duct, and reconstructed his bile duct using his bowel. Post-surgery, in the surgeon's words, he had the most complications he had known. One other issue was when they removed his staples, his wound completely burst open. However, they had managed to cut all the cancer away, he was cancer free. He returned home on April 11th, with twice weekly visits from the community nurses.

A visit to the oncologist, and we were told he was too poorly (due to the wound mainly) for chemo or radiotherapy, and would remain under the care of the surgical team and have regular scans. No scans took place, although he did request these also. Stuart struggled to eat more than a couple of mouthfuls at a time food wise, and could not drink much either. The dietitian informed us this was normal, and just needed to take more Creon/work out the best way of taking them to suit him.

On August 11th, Stu woke up with jaundice. The GP came out at lunchtime, and an ambulance was arranged. He arrived at the hospital at 3.15pm. By 7.30pm I was told his liver was covered in abscesses, and his small intestine was completely dead. There was nothing they could do for him apart from make him comfortable. Stu passed away just after 11pm.

The actual cause of his death is still under investigation.

Stu was, and still is, my absolute world, my best friend and soulmate. There is absolutely no comprehension in my mind. I am so lost with him no longer being here. Up until January 21st, he was a perfectly fit and healthy man.


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