Sending or transferring funds to AMMF

There are several ways of getting funds from sponsorship or other cash/cheque donations to AMMF.  You can:

  • Write a personal cheque to AMMF for the cash amount, keeping the cash as your reimbursement, and send it to: AMMF, Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Road, Stansted, Essex, CM24 1QW.  UK
  • Pay the cash and any cheques in at a bank (please ensure cheques are made payable to AMMF).
  • Make an online direct bank transfer to AMMF’s account – again keeping the collected cash as reimbursement.
  • Pay the amount online to AMMF’s Justgiving site:   Again, of course, keeping the collected cash as reimbursement.
  • If you already have your own Justgiving event page, and have received cash or cheque donations, these can be added to your page as offline donations, which will show up in your page total.  The funds will need to be sent direct to AMMF, using one of the options above.

If you wish to pay in via either of the bank routes, please contact AMMF for our bank details:[email protected]

Whichever route you choose, please let us know when you make the payment so we can look out for it.

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