Imperial College
During 2011 a grant of £42,000 was made to Imperial College London to fund a Research Fellow for a year from October 2011, who will be working on cholangiocarcinoma proteomics and genetics research.
AMMF representatives, Helen Morement, Noel Corrigan and Dr Ruth Corrigan, visited Imperial College on 28th July to receive an update from the cholangiocarcinoma research team and to meet Dr Abigail Zabron, the Research Fellow the charity will be funding.

Back row l to r: Dr Chris Wadsworth, Dr Mohamed Shariff, AMMF's Noel Corrigan, Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson, Dr Nimzing Ladep Front row l to r: Dr Shahid Khan, AMMF's Dr Ruth Corrigan and Helen Morement, Research Nurse Co-ordinator Mary Crossey, Dr Verena Horneffer van der Sluis and Dr Abigail Zabron