AMMF’s Facebook Guest Posts 2017
For the very first time, this year’s AMMF Guest Posts are being shared to our website just after they have appeared on Facebook. As the month goes on, the posts with their photos and external links will be added here. At the end of the month all the posts will remain on AMMF’s website as a permanent record of the wonderful, personal stories that have been so bravely contributed.
Just click on the day and name to open up the Guest Post.
(Unfortunately, we are unable to include the kind and supportive comments that appeared on each post but they do, of course, remain on Facebook.)
- CC Day 1 Helen Tanner
- CC Day 2 Rebecca West
- CC Day 3 Ben Francis
- CC Day 4 Thomas Barker
- CC Day 5 Vikki Stokes
- CC Day 6 Shirley Turton
- CC Day 7 Matthew Burns
- CC Day 8 Claire Bradburn
- CC Day 9 Natalie Meikle
- CC Day 10 Colette Valentine
- CC Day 11 Tribute to Amanda Lofting
- CC Day 12 Clare Henderson & Kirsty Mackay
- CC Day 13 Sophie Culshaw
- CC Day 14 Rachael Cornish
- CC Day 15 Aleisha and Thomas Gray
- CC Day 16 Claire Johnson
- CC Day 17 Brian Russell
- CC Day 18 Kaz Molloy
- CC Day 19 Laura Flett
- CC Day 20 Liam Crossley
- CC Day 21 Karen Finlinson
- CC Day 22 Bernie Podmore & Gerry Hatheralll
- CC Day 23 Victoria Carney
- CC Day 24 Andrea Sheardown
- CC Day 25 Hedli Niklaus
- CC Day 26 Nikki Greenall
- CC Day 27 Amelia Andrews
- CC Day 28 Beryl Jones